Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 Day Fruit Flush: Day 3

Here I am, sitting at my kitchen table; empty salad plate on my right, half-empty protein shake on my left - I only say half-empty because I've drank half of it. Ha! Per the directions I printed out, I'm drinking it very slowly and it isn't as painful as the previous six shakes.....I'm even borderline enjoying it. For the last time, here was my day:

8:00 - Fruit Serving #1 A banana.........can I PLEASE have 2?
10:00 - Fruit Serving #2 Two apples; actually I had 1 1/2 because the one wasn't good - too brown. YUCK!
12:00 - Fruit Serving #3 I tortured everyone at work with the smell of oranges that filled the air of the tiny back room faster than you could say "Who's eating an orange?" They were delicious!!!
2:00 - Fruit Serving #4 Another banana. I'm about to go bananas here. Can I go home early today?
4:00 - Fruit Serving #5 Grapes! This was a nice change and they are oh-so-portable which was good since I was driving to Nashville at this time. That's dedication when you pack your fruit for a car ride because you won't be home for the next scheduled feeding.
6:00 - Salad and Protein Shake. CHECK!

Today was by far the easiest day. I still wanted coffee but it wasn't nagging at me every second and I wasn't staring longlingly at the two big boxes of chocolates sitting on the table in the breakroom. Tomorrow morning I'll do my final weigh-in and see what kind of results I got and do a reflection blog on the 3-day experience.

3-Day Fruit Flush: CHECK!

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