Wednesday, February 29, 2012


If you haven't guessed already, I went to yoga tonight - my first yoga class to be specific. The local fitness offers a class on Wednesday nights so I thought I'd give it a whirl. My co-worker Sam accompanied me and somehow we misjudged the orientation of the room and accidentally ended up at the front of the class. Within about, oh, 30-seconds the instructor had singled us out as the newbies. (What gave that away?? ;) Ha!) As I looked around, Sam and I were clearly the minority in the age category but I tried not to judge anyone based on the color of their hair or how deep their wrinkles were. The last thing I needed was to get cocky and be schooled by an old(er) lady. Luckily, the instructor was wonderful and very clear with her instructions so I wasn't bumbling around on my mat trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to be doing. I will admit it was a little tougher than I thought and in the beginning I was sure I would nose-dive into my mat during Downward Dog if we didn't move onto something else. The ab work at the end was no picnic either but I think I made a strong showing. All in all, I really enjoyed the class and I look forward to going (semi-) regularly. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Death By Pinterest

Ok, so you're reading my blog (GOTCHA!). That means that a) you spend at least a negligible amount of time online, and b) you have surely heard of Pinterest (What, you've never even heard of it? Do you live under a rock!?!?!). If you have heard of it but haven't been on it, I'm not sure that I should even encourage you to venture down such a slippery slope of destruction. I Love (yes, it deserves a capital 'L') Pinterest but, my goodness, I waste more precious time on there than can possibly be deemed appropriate. I whittle away the hours looking at fun DIY ideas for my home that I will never do, lusting after clothing I will never buy,  and re-pinning links to workouts guessed it....I will never even attempt. Not to mention, if I even dared to make a fraction of the sinful recipes on there, I would probably weigh more than my house - and your house - combined. It's going to be the death of me....I'll probably die in front of my computer mid-pin. Too morbid? Ok, at the very least I could quite possibly develop a wicked case of carpal tunnel. Why is this site so addicting? Who thought of it? If they're making money at it, they have more money than Donald Trump in which case, I wish I had thought of it. Ooo, here's a thought: all you Catholics and Lutherans still struggling with something to give up for Lent.....ever considered Pinterest? I realize there are many addictions with more serious repercussions but it does seem to be a little out of hand. Maybe there's a support group. Or a 12-Step Program. 

Sadly, until I go to bed tonight, guess what I'll be doing?


Sunday, February 12, 2012

{Insert Blog Title Here}

I know it's only the middle of February but I've already got the bathing suit bug. I've spent quite a bit of time browsing the Victoria's Secret swim catalog and searching online for the perfect not-too-teeny-weeny bikini. I still love the one I bought last year and it's going to be hard to beat. Sam and I took to The Avenue yesterday to see what we could find. I wanted to see if the one from Victoria's Secret I was lusting over was as great in person as it was in the picture - and I wanted to see just how moderate "moderate back coverage" really was. It was every bit as cute in person as in the catalog but unfortunately, it was just a little too "cheeky" for me if you know what I mean. I would have to do a bazillion lunges before my ass was in shape for something that risque'. Ha! After a second outing with Ashley today I am no closer to finding a suit that I like so I guess it'll have to wait until the stores get a bigger selection in. C'mon Target! Don't let me down!

As of yesterday I have officially completed my first week of half-marathon training. (Just to throw out a little disclaimer, this is going to be a hot topic for me on here over the coming weeks.) The weather outside yesterday was ridiculous - and not in a good way. It was a mere 27 degrees out with 20 mph stinging, slicing wind gusts. There was no way in hell I was running outside - it would be like a cruel and unusual punishment for a crime I didn't commit. Luckily, Smyrna has a community center that doesn't require a membership so I decided to head down there and do my 4 miles on the treadmill. I cannot begin to convey how much I absolutely abhor running on a machine. It was stupid hot in there and being forced to maintain a steady pace added a challenging dimension that I didn't appreciate in the slightest. I want to be in control; I want to decide how fast (or slow) I run at any given time. And don't even get me started on the scenery. I am the type of person that needs way more visual stimulation than a brick wall. It took everything I had to not stop after the first mile.......and then the second.......and then the third.......hello mile 4! Quittin' time! Luckily, I survived and felt quite proud of myself for exercising not only my body, but also my extreme willpower. Yes, I want a cookie. Oatmeal raisin. No, Snickerdoodle. Wait, Peanut Butter! Forget it, there are way too many choices. I plan on roaring into my second week of training bright and early tomorrow morning - 3 miles.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

La, La, La (Whatever)

I wish my life was a musical. I would love nothing more than to live my life in song; randomly breaking out in full voice with a church choir backing me up. I would shamelessy belt out a song about the weather while running in the evenings and probably sing a tune or two in the halls of the clinic. Sadly, I am not that daring so I stick to just a bar or two here and there and even insert a movie or TV quote into daily conversation. It always lightens the mood. Music does make a huge difference when I go running and I had to giggle a bit when I was out with Darcy tonight because the construction workers had Mariachi music blaring from inside the house they're working on. It put a little spring in our step as we hoofed it around the sub-division.

Speaking of running..........there are officially 12 weeks left until I run the Country Music 1/2 Marathon on April 28th and my training kicked into full gear yesterday. This has prompted me to make an executive decision to cut out alcohol for the next three months. Wwhhhaaatttt????? Yeah. Two things prompted this: 1) I smoke when I drink - this is not conducive to athletics of any kind.....especially running. 2) I cannot take any more of the crazy shenanigans that take place when Molly and I go out. I need a break. Case in point: Last Saturday night I literally pulled an incoherent drunk girl off a toilet in Dugger's, pulled her britches up, and carried her (IN HEELS) out the back door to a waiting car. I didn't even know her!!!! My maternal instincts (that I didn't even know I had) kicked in and I just couldn't bring myself to leave her there in such a compromising position. Thank God she didn't puke on me. All I can say is karma better be damn good to me.