Tuesday, February 7, 2012

La, La, La (Whatever)

I wish my life was a musical. I would love nothing more than to live my life in song; randomly breaking out in full voice with a church choir backing me up. I would shamelessy belt out a song about the weather while running in the evenings and probably sing a tune or two in the halls of the clinic. Sadly, I am not that daring so I stick to just a bar or two here and there and even insert a movie or TV quote into daily conversation. It always lightens the mood. Music does make a huge difference when I go running and I had to giggle a bit when I was out with Darcy tonight because the construction workers had Mariachi music blaring from inside the house they're working on. It put a little spring in our step as we hoofed it around the sub-division.

Speaking of running..........there are officially 12 weeks left until I run the Country Music 1/2 Marathon on April 28th and my training kicked into full gear yesterday. This has prompted me to make an executive decision to cut out alcohol for the next three months. Wwhhhaaatttt????? Yeah. Two things prompted this: 1) I smoke when I drink - this is not conducive to athletics of any kind.....especially running. 2) I cannot take any more of the crazy shenanigans that take place when Molly and I go out. I need a break. Case in point: Last Saturday night I literally pulled an incoherent drunk girl off a toilet in Dugger's, pulled her britches up, and carried her (IN HEELS) out the back door to a waiting car. I didn't even know her!!!! My maternal instincts (that I didn't even know I had) kicked in and I just couldn't bring myself to leave her there in such a compromising position. Thank God she didn't puke on me. All I can say is karma better be damn good to me.

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