Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rules of Pinterest

I know, I know. I said the P word again. I just had to put a quick post up and vent some of my frustrations about this wonderful, yet addicting site. I've made a concerted effort recently to start making some of the recipes that I have so painstakingly pinned on my food board and I have to admit, it's been pretty awesome. I've broadened my culinary horizons a bit and enjoy having left-overs to heat up at work instead of the usual cheese sandwich and piece of fruit.

That being said, I have a beef with some of you pinners out there. If you're going to pin a recipe, don't simply label it "get in my belly." First of all, that phrase just sounds gross and second of all, what is it? Where will this pin take me if I click it? It's not always obvious what is in the picture. It might be chicken but look like lasagna.  If I find a recipe I want to pin, I call it what it is, not what I want it to do or how it makes me feel. Ok, maybe I add that after the title, but that's the only time! Anyway, if it's Pan Roasted Chicken, that is what I put under the picture I'm pinning.

Another complaint I have is that pictures of s'mores brownies and chocolate dipped peanut butter pretzels are showing up in the fitness section. Don't label a board Food/Fitness if you're going to pin crap like that on there. We don't eat that stuff. It doesn't go with fitness! Please be considerate and make a separate board strictly for junk food. But please don't make any of it, it's going to your hips.

There's my Sunday rant and I totally realize that it was purely for my own benefit. I have no delusions that it will make any difference in the vast world of Pinterest. Stay tuned for my next installment - possibly a Rules of Pinterest: Part II.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ritalin, anyone?

So it's Wednesday. You know what that means - wait, you don't know what that means? Oh. Well, it means that I had yoga class this evening. I've been going for a few weeks now and have immensely enjoyed every session - except this one. From the moment the lights went out and we took our three cleansing breaths, my mind was going a mile-a-minute and I just couldn't focus. I was thinking about work, my Jillian Michaels workout I was going to do after, my stomach grumbling, and how I could smell peaches. I had gone tanning right before I class and the lotion I use has a subtle fruity peach smell that isn't exactly my favorite. I don't like peach scented things - they're never quite right. I do like to eat peaches, though. And peach yogurt. Especially the Georgia Peach frozen yogurt at Sweet Cece's. Wow. There I go again. This is exactly what I was dealing with during yoga. I imagine it's how Darcy feels a lot - especially when she's trying to learn new tricks. Totally ADD and a lot of  "Ooo, shiny." 

It seemed like I was totally off-balance through the whole class and was constantly telling myself to focus on the poses and get them right, gosh darn it. It didn't work and when we left I really felt no better than I did when we walked in. I guess I'm bound to have off days but I'm a perfectionist and don't like sub-par performances. Hopefully next week will be better. Are the brooms still standing? Maybe that's the problem.

This Saturday is my 7 mile run for my 1/2 marathon training and I'm oddly excited about it. I've been using an app called Endomondo and it is a revelation! The GPS tracker is spot-on and I can challenge myself against friends or against a previous run. I did a challenge for my 3-miler yesterday and got a new PR.....3 miles in 26:39! Hell, yeah!! I thought I was going to pass out after I finished but euphoria quickly kicked in and I was higher than a kite. So, good week so far and hopefully I can finish strong on my remaining two runs. Half-way point!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is this, a pirate ship??

On Monday I started level two of Jillian's 30-Day Shred. I have never spent so much time in plank position during a 20-minute period. From "walking push-ups" to a burpee-type move to an entire minute in plank position for an ab exercise, my arms and shoulders are spent by the end of this workout. Spent doesn't even seem to be an accurate description - more like FLAT BROKE! Couple that with a lot of planking at yoga tonight and it's really a hot mess.

Despite the increased difficulty in level two, I really like it. I have to do some modifiers but I'm hoping that in another day (or two, or three) or so I'll be able to do more of the advanced moves. I have to keep reminding myself that I felt this way at the beginning of level one as well so I just need to stick with it. It's not going to get easier..........I'm just going to get better ;)

After Friday's workout I'll be exactly half-way done with the 30 days and I'm mildly considering taking my measurements. I'm kind of afraid to in case I don't see shrinkage where I want it. I'd hate to get discouraged, although that may be impossible considering the miracle that is occurring already in my upper body. I've got a couple more days to think about it so we'll see how I feel then. Not too worried about hitting the scale since I totally stalk my weight everyday - I'm down a couple pounds, not sure why. Shouldn't I go up a bit with all this rockin' muscle I'm building? Ha! Anyway, just wanted to post a quick update. I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again: Jillian Michaels = Legit.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Ahead

Today was the first day of Day-Light Savings Time. I have mixed feelings about this event because as much as I love the extra hours of daylight, I am not excited at the prospect of the week ahead - mainly the idea of getting up to go running tomorrow morning. Usually, I get up and am out running by 7(ish) on Mondays which means that tomorrow, my body will think it's still 6 a.m. Eww. Not my idea of a good time. I just have to remind myself that the first week is always the worst and it will get better. Eventually.

I spent today cleaning my house. I spend so much time working and working out that I tend to neglect my home-owner duties. Like cleaning the litterbox. And vacuuming. Wait, how are all my spoons dirty? Oh yeah, didn't start the dishwasher. I swore off running and my Jillian Michaels workout for one day to get a handle on the disaster that I call home. The weather was gorgeous so I opened all the windows in the house and started getting things done. I have to say that it puts me in such a fantastic mood to have a clean house. If only I could keep it this way. I need to at least attempt to do something small everyday to maintain this state of bliss that I'm in right now.

Yesterday I did a 6-mile run after work. I had some apprehension about it but the weather was extremely cooperative and I enjoyed every last minute of it. I'm really starting to feel optimistic about the 1/2 Marathon next month. Oh, my! It's NEXT MONTH! Calm down. Breathe deep. K, I'm good now :)

My other big accomplishment yesterday was finishing the 10th day of Jillian's 30-Day Shred. I successfully worked out 10 days in a row and completed level one. I'm pretty amazed at the difference in my endurance between day one and day ten. Night and day, people. I'm a believer. Tomorrow I start level two and I admit I argued with myself all day as to whether or not I should preview it. I decided that ignorance is bliss and I'll just see it for the first time when I do it tomorrow night. I refuse to take any measurements or additional pictures until I've completed the whole thing but I definitely see more definition in my arms already. I've been told that they look really toned and someone even told me they look ripped. THANK YOU!! Ha! I'm looking forward to starting the next level and am motivated by the fact that even if the first day sucks, it will get better if I stick with it.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Love/Hate Relationship

I come from a family of fantastic cooks. My parents were/are awesome cooks, and my mouth waters every time I think about any dinner (or fatty high-calorie dessert) cooked by my grandma. My sister and I, luckily, inherited some of those genes as well. Give us a recipe and we're good to go. Lisa has a little more of a knack for it than I do, though. She is pretty fearless about changing it up to suit her tastes. I, however, stick to what's printed on the card. Yeah. I play by the rules. There will be no flag-throwing or whistle blowing in my kitchen.

I just can't think of anything more comforting about a home-cooked meal and thanks to Pinterest (yes, I brought it up again!!), I've found some awesome recipes - and actually made them! Gasp! As much as I love cooking and how it makes my house smell oh-so-delicious, I struggle with motivation to do it very often. Yeah, it's great and healthy and cheap(er) than going out and grabbing something but there's definitely some drawbacks.

First of all, I hate cleaning up after cooking; especially when it took multiple utensils and several bowls/pans. It seems silly to have to run the dishwasher twice to clean up all the dishes from one meal. No, I am not going to do it by hand so don't even suggest it.

Secondly, even though I enjoy each dish immensely, am I the only one who finds it mildly depressing to sit and eat a fabulous meal alone? I feel like it automatically makes me acutely aware of the fact that I went to a lot of trouble to make that plate of food and have nobody to share it with. Food is meant to be shared, right? I don't get that feeling when eating a sandwich or a bowl of cereal; and I certainly don't feel that way about my morning oatmeal. Then again, I'm pretty selfish with my oatmeal. It's that good.

Despite these two things, I get too much joy out of cooking to ever give it up but I do admit I look forward to having someone to cook for again. I miss sitting down at the table and talking about my day with someone who actually cares. Darcy doesn't count because a) I don't allow her at the table and b) she's too A.D.D. to be a good listener.

Because I love sharing good recipes, here are the links to a few recipes I found on Pinterest and loved when I finally got around to making them ;)

Chicken with Roasted Sweet Potato Salad
Barbecue Turkey Meatloaf
Pizza Fish

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Madness! 30 Day Shred

I can't believe it's already March 1st. FYI, ladies, there are 3 months until summer and you know what that means.....bathing suit season! If you aren't ready by June 1st, don't say I didn't warn you! Along with my half-marathon training I decided to focus on some strength training. I am not interested in becoming a gym rat - I wouldn't go. Ever. Call me lazy, but I just don't want to spend the time driving back and forth, packing extra clothes, etc., etc. So what's a girl to do? 

I am (neurotically) faithful about logging into MyFitnessPal and keeping a food diary and I saw a forum post about people doing Jillian Michaels' workouts. I started clicking around to sift through some of the threads. I saw some really good reviews and if you remember how seriously I took the real-life reviews when picking my detox diet, you know that I am a firm believer in listening to the masses. Consumer reports, baby. I promptly went to Target and picked up Jillian's Ripped in 30, but after reading some of the reviews it sounded like her 30-Day Shred was a tad easier and would be better to start with as a newbie I figured I'd do that first and then in April move on to Ripped. Molly had a copy of 30DS and was nice enough to loan it to me. Let the March Madness begin!

Tonight I got home from work, took all my measurements, and some 'before' pictures. I'm in decent shape already from running so let me be very clear that weight loss is NOT the goal for me. I really don't expect my weight to even change. I'm more interested in toning up because let's be honest, running can only do so much. I won't post any of that info right now, I'll wait until the end and give the comparison. I really plan on sticking to the thirty days unless it wears my muscles out to the point that it gets in the way of my training for the Country Music Half. That is way more important at this point.

I'll try to post updates as I move through the program. Mercifully, I am not alone in this process. I managed to recruit Samantha to follow it with me. Gotta love the buddy system :) MAYBE I can even get her to post a couple guest blog posts on her experience. Sam?????

Oh, before I sign off here, if you're not familiar with Jillian's 30-Day programs, basically you do it for 30 days straight. No rest days. Calm down, 30-Day Shred workouts are only 20 minutes. No excuses. Wuss.