Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rules of Pinterest

I know, I know. I said the P word again. I just had to put a quick post up and vent some of my frustrations about this wonderful, yet addicting site. I've made a concerted effort recently to start making some of the recipes that I have so painstakingly pinned on my food board and I have to admit, it's been pretty awesome. I've broadened my culinary horizons a bit and enjoy having left-overs to heat up at work instead of the usual cheese sandwich and piece of fruit.

That being said, I have a beef with some of you pinners out there. If you're going to pin a recipe, don't simply label it "get in my belly." First of all, that phrase just sounds gross and second of all, what is it? Where will this pin take me if I click it? It's not always obvious what is in the picture. It might be chicken but look like lasagna.  If I find a recipe I want to pin, I call it what it is, not what I want it to do or how it makes me feel. Ok, maybe I add that after the title, but that's the only time! Anyway, if it's Pan Roasted Chicken, that is what I put under the picture I'm pinning.

Another complaint I have is that pictures of s'mores brownies and chocolate dipped peanut butter pretzels are showing up in the fitness section. Don't label a board Food/Fitness if you're going to pin crap like that on there. We don't eat that stuff. It doesn't go with fitness! Please be considerate and make a separate board strictly for junk food. But please don't make any of it, it's going to your hips.

There's my Sunday rant and I totally realize that it was purely for my own benefit. I have no delusions that it will make any difference in the vast world of Pinterest. Stay tuned for my next installment - possibly a Rules of Pinterest: Part II.

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