Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Day I Only Ate Breakfast

I know what you're thinking. One meal in a day is just not enough. Unless it was one epic meal that caused me to not want to eat another bite for the next 24 hours. Let me clear something up - I did eat all three meals today. They just all happened to be breakfast foods :) Here's how it went down:

This morning I was up bright and early to go have brunch with a friend at Mimi's Cafe. I love Mimi's. Always have. But I love it even more now that they have "Fresh & Fit" options on their menu which means that the entire meal adds up to 550 calories or less. I do want to note that mine actually totalled 558. Do I get my money back?? Wait. I didn't pay. Does Ashley get her money back? Whatever, we can fight it out later. I had their Low-Fat Fitness Omelette for the first time and it was actually pretty good. I don't know if it's as good as IHOP's veggie omelette but I would order it again. It came with a side of dry wheat toast, fresh fruit and a small orange juice. Nice square meal, if you ask me.

For lunch I had leftovers from last night's dinner. Yes, I had breakfast for dinner last night as well (EEK! I just realized that that makes four breakfasts in a row. Maybe I went a little overboard.). I was trying to figure out what I wanted for dinner last night when I was completely blindsided by a craving for pancakes. Of course, I had none of the ingredients so I had to go out and buy everything. Well worth the $6.83 - plus I got more than one meal out of it. Did I ever tell you that growing up we had pancakes for supper every Sunday night? My mom even made up a little chorus about it that we would sing very loudly while dad was grilling them up:

"Pancakes for supper,
Pancakes for supper,
It's Sunday and we always have Pancakes for supper!"

If I only knew how to upload sound clips! Gah!! My leftover pancakes became my lunch with some peanut butter and syrup on them. It was delicious. I ate it like a sandwich. Somehow that made it seem more acceptable.

When dinner rolled around, I felt a strong urge to continue the breakfast theme of the day. For the past six months I've had peanut butter and jelly oatmeal for breakfast nearly every morning. It's one of my favorite things in life. So much so that when I go to bed at night, I look forward to it the next morning. Wow, that seems kinda weird when I actually see it in writing. Maybe I shouldn't admit that in public. Since I didn't have it for breakfast, I figured I might just as well have it for dinner. If you like oatmeal and like PB&J sandwiches, I highly recommend trying this. It's a bowl of amazing (and healthy!) goodness.

I have to say that eating only breakfast foods made for one awesome day. I can't imagine I would make this a habit - or even do it again for that matter - but I felt it was definitely blog-worthy.

Bon Appetit indeed.

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