Monday, October 8, 2012

Pop Quiz

True or False? The sound of an alarm clock on a rainy Monday morning is probably the absolute worst sound in the world. If you said true, we're on our way to becoming bff's because it pretty much ruined my blissful sleep this morning.

Last night I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I cannot even begin to explain how much I loved the book. The movie.....not so much. If I hadn't read the book, it might not have been so bad, but I'm not sure I would've been able to follow it either. I have trouble with movies that try to make me think too much. They make me feel a little.....what's the word.......stupid? Yeah, that's it. Anyway, let's just say that although I'm extremely excited about reading the next two books in the series I will absolutely not watch the movie versions if they choose to film them. Period. The End.

Like I said, this morning was chilly and rainy. What better way to console myself after being rudely awakened by an alarm clock than with a delicious bowl of PB&J Oatmeal and a cup of coffee? I can think of nothing.

I really need to get a camera so I can snap better pictures. I swear my food looks much more appetizing in person than it does in the pictures I've been posting.

It took everything I had to drag myself to work this morning. It was crazy busy when I got there and I could think of several places I would have rather been. There was tons of food in the break room fridge from a get-together at Arrington Vineyards yesterday that I used to fuel me up around lunch time. I ended up grazing on it all afternoon so needless to say, I went home with a very upset stomach tonight.

When I got home, I was in full Suzy Homemaker mode. More on that tomorrow ;)

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you crazy! Those movies are great! :-P

    Also, I am envious of your oatmeal at this moment.
