Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Voted

I haven't been on here in a while. My excuse is totally legit, though. I went back to teaching. I am totally consumed with lesson planning these days and getting back into the swing of being in the classroom. It's exhausting but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am one happy girl.....which is more than I can say for the other Lady of the House. Darcy is none too pleased with the fact that she is left home alone all day and has developed some rather destructive habits in my absence (i.e. chewing on my bedding). I've had several discussions with her regarding this unacceptable behavior but she just isn't getting it. She's upset that she can't go to work with me anymore and feels like she's been given a cruel and unusual punishment for a crime she didn't commit. Despite her dissapointment, she practically tackles me in excitement the minute I walk through the door. Once she's settled down a bit......it's game time.

How can I say no to that??

Now that I've given my excuses for not blogging I'll get back to the real topic of today's post. It's a historic day in America: Election 2012! After our inservice at school, I high-tailed it to my local polling place to cast my ballot. Luckily, I got there just before 4 p.m. so there wasn't much of a line. I literally spent all of 10 minutes there (no joke!). I'm not going to jump on a political soapbox but I do think that as American citizens, we should all take advantage of this amazing freedom and let our voice be heard. So if there's still time and you haven't done so yet.......GO VOTE!


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