Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year - A Year Late

Today is the first Monday of the new year, which Kathy Lee & Hoda told me is the most depressing day of the year. Ya know, vacations and holidays are over and it's back to the daily grind. Were you depressed? I sure hope not. I certainly wasn't and I think that sentiment was shared by all teachers in Middle Tennessee. Our winter break was extended by two glorious "inclement weather" days and I'm enjoying every second. I can drink wine and watch The Bachelor guilt-free tonight. Yay!

Speaking of the new year, I am pretty sure that the word resolution is the most used word used in social media right now. Most people resolve to lose weight, eat better, give up this or give up that, etc. I prefer to take a goal-approach because, let's be honest, I rarely never manage to keep my resolutions anyway. Is the word "goal" really "resolution" in disguise? Perhaps, but we'll go with it anyway. My 2014 goals are:

*Become a faster, stronger runner. I ordered new kicks (Brooks PureConnect 2) yesterday and I'm literally twitching from excitement to hit the pavement in them (when they finally get delivered, of course)
*Be a stronger, more independent woman and stand up for myself when I should. I am not a doormat, after all. I did not do this very well in 2013 so it's something I want to improve on in 2014.
*Travel - with the exception of a lunch date with my dad in Alabama over Fall Break, I didn't leave Tennessee for a whole year! Unacceptable. Perhaps a destination race??

In addition to my goals, I saw an idea on Pinterest to write down all the good things that happen throughout the year - surprises, successes, goals achieved, good times, ect., - and throw them into a jar, or in my case, an owl vase to be read on New Year's Eve. I've already written a few down and tossed them in. Hopefully it will continue to heighten my awareness to the little things in life that make me happy :)

I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2014.

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